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Restore point sizes on repos without per-vm files

Post by squebel »

Hello, I've just run into a situation where we have some GFS jobs pointed to a repo that was not set up with per-vm backup files. This is non-standard for us but isn't causing any technical issue. The issue I'm running into is pulling the backup sizes per vm going to this repository. When I do this, it appears I'm getting usage numbers that more represent the entire job, not the single vm itself. Here is the code I use in normal situations that seems to work just fine:

Code: Select all

$rpsFiltered = $rps | where {$_.Name -eq $vm}
$bkupsize = ($rpsFiltered.getstorage().stats.backupsize |Measure-Object -sum).sum/1GB
Hoping someone can help me understand if there is a different command to pull the data on a per vm basis in this situation

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Re: Restore point sizes on repos without per-vm files

Post by squebel »

Have I stumped the crowd?? That's pretty rare in these forums. :D
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Full Name: Daniel Johansson

Re: Restore point sizes on repos without per-vm files

Post by DanielJ »

Since a "storage" is the backup file itself, in this case containing all the vm backups, I guess it's expected. You should probably look at the task sessions for each vm to see what has been transferred/written for each restore point. Or switch over to per-vm if you have the space for new separate fulls.
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