I'm writing a script for automatic restore of entire VMs from my cloud backup but I have some copy job only for single vmdk for space saving.
I can't figure out how to create restore procedure for theese vmk directly into VMs datastore position.
I'm not sure whether an XML path can be used as a target destination. You might want to try some local path first (such as D:\temp) to confirm this assumption. Thanks.
With local path it works correctly, but I need to write directly into my datastore, under VM folder, like the GUI does.
I tried with datastore path from vSphere Clinet like "[datastore]/APP1", or "/vmfs/volumes/577d00d0-0fe5abb0-9756-ac254f58df7c" but it doesn't work and it gives me an "XML path error", that's why I'm trying xml path.
I looked veeam logs and there I found the xml path that I'm trying to use.
Most likely, the said parameter expects a local path, not a path to a datastore. So, in your case, it should be two-step process: restore to local path and copy it later to datastore via copy utility. Thanks.
It means that the GUI does the direct restore to datastore but the powershell doesn't?
It's a bit strange....
I thought that all GUI procedures were powershell command...
Am I wrong?
The GUI is definitely not using Powershell behind the scenes. Our Powershell cmdlets are quite functional and provide probably 80-90% of the GUI functionality, but not quite everything.