Exchange Item Restore Session
Mounting Restore Point
After a minute or so an error pops in the terminal : Start-VBRExchangeItemRestoreSession : File does not exist. File: [SVxxx.vm-341D2020-04-03T232606_FE70.vbk].
In fact the error message is correct, the file is missing from c:\VeeamFLR.
When i try the same steps directly on the backup and restore server everytyhing works as expected. Am i missing a step or parameter, or is it not possible to do a exchange restore from a workstation?
Can you please start on the same workstation a windows FLR from the same server and use "Copy to" approach to restore any file of your choice from it to the workstation. I guess something is blocking the datapath.
When using powershell I use Visual studio code as IDE, to use the Veeam cmdlets I imported the VeeamPSSnapin using the add-pssnapin powershell command. It seems this is not enough to get full functionality. I started my script using the integrated powershell Console in the Veeam GUI (hamburger menu -> Console -> PowerShell) and to my surprise the script worked.
Now my question was why does it work from the veaamConsole, and it doesn't using the pssnapin in a default powershell session. So I went on a search and found the initialization script for the 'Veeam powershell console'. I took some of the code and integrated it in my script, this did the trick and now when I start a VBRExchangeRestoreSession the databases get mounted.
The issue was that you did not have the Veeam Explorer modules imported. You can shorten this by just dot-sourcing the initialization script PS1 file at the top of your script to accomplish the same result in 1 line of code.