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Script to summarize rotated disks used for each job

Post by ionica101 »

Is there a PS script to summarize rotated disks used for each job run?
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Re: Script to summarize rotated disks used for each job

Post by soncscy »

Hi Ion,

Sorry, but I'm not quite sure what you'd want to see in the script output.

For rotated drives, this is mostly transparent for veeam, and you'd at best get the Volume Name from windows.

Can you explain your rotation schedule a bit more and what you'd hope to see in your script output? (a mock up maybe?)
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Re: Script to summarize rotated disks used for each job

Post by ionica101 »

I was thinking of an output similar to the one generated by the script used for tapes.
Script should identify disk used instead of tape, like this: powershell-f26/script-to-summarize-tape ... 72066.html
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Re: Script to summarize rotated disks used for each job

Post by soncscy » 1 person likes this post

Hi Ion,

Well, such a thing is doable, but from a Veeam perspective all that it would see is a Repository - if you're thinking like an RDX box, such a box is completely transparent to Veeam and Veeam itself wouldn't be aware of the drives in the unit for you to do any reporting on; it would only see a CIFS share or some Volumes mounted to a Windows/Linux server somewhere. Unless your RDX box has some sort of API you can call, there wouldn't be a way to do reporting I can think of, so that's why I'm trying to understand some more information on what specifically you want shown.

Just for your reference, this is what you'd see if you get the physical host information on a Repository (windows in this case):

PS C:\Users\Administrator> $repo.GetHost().GetPhysicalHost()

Info : Veeam.Backup.Model.CPhysicalHostInfo
Name : This server
Id : d7c4ff97-b99b-4d1f-884d-283b7b6b9ee3
OsType : WinServer2019_1809
OsWindowsVersion : Veeam.Backup.Model.CHostOsTypeWindowsVersion
OsPlatform : X64
BiosUuid : 37C43642-FFAE-EEBE-5444-D23C4619B544
HardwareInfo : Veeam.Backup.Model.CDomHardwareInfo
NetInfo : Veeam.Backup.Model.CDomNetInfo
ChassisType : ViVirtual

There's not a lot to go on there to make it unique, so you'd have to go outside of Veeam cmdlets as I'm understanding it to get valuable information.

So I don't think there's a way to do this without some extra work. I've done something in the past to ensure guaranteed drive letter assignment and you can build up a "temporary DB" with a .csv file.

1. Create a CSV file with several columns: id,friendlyname,driveletter
2. On each drive you rotate, create a blank file with the id as the name
3. Run the script as a monitoring script (some while loop) and periodically parse all attached volumes (exclude the non-changing Volumes like C:\) and check for a file with the ID as its name
4. If($ID) then {action}

This is the only way I can think of, barring some API for an RDX box, to track a specific disk. There is some rotated drive identifier information in the database, but seems unstable to rely on this as I cannot quite workout some of the logics well.
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Re: Script to summarize rotated disks used for each job

Post by ionica101 »

Hi soncscy,
Thank you very much for your reply.
It confirms there's no easy way to see using PS which rotated disk a backup used for the job.
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