I've looked at the output of:
Code: Select all
get-help Start-VBRZip -full
When I run:
Code: Select all
Get-VBRCredentials -Name GLF*
I don't have a job to apply these credentials to though. The script I use starts a new instance of Start-VBRZip for each server in the list provided.
Is there a way to accomplish this? Thank you!
Additional Info:
When I run the job manually, outside the script, I get the same thing. Looking in the log, this is the part where I identified that it was storage credentials that are the issue:
Code: Select all
[03.03.2016 22:34:59] <17> Error Processing GL-TMS01
[03.03.2016 22:34:59] <17> Error PrepStorageForWriteEx failed '\\GLDC01\Backup\GL-TMS012016-03-03T223450.vbk' (Veeam.Backup.Common.CAgentException)
[03.03.2016 22:34:59] <17> Error at Veeam.Backup.AgentProvider.CBackupClient.PrepStorageForWriteEx(String storageFilename, Int32 kbBlockSize, Int32 blockAlignmentLogarithm)
[03.03.2016 22:34:59] <17> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CStorageCommanderHelper.PrepareStorageForWrite(CStorage storage, IBackupClient client, Boolean bOptimized4DedupMedia, IFileCommander fileCommander, String agentLink)
[03.03.2016 22:34:59] <17> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CLocalStorageCommander.PrepareStorageForWrite(IStorage storage, IBackupClient client)
[03.03.2016 22:34:59] <17> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CLocalStorageCommander.Create(CStorageInfo storageInfo, IStorageName storageName, IBackupClientHolder clientHolder)
[03.03.2016 22:34:59] <17> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CStorageEx.CreateStorageFile(CStorageInfo storageInfo, IStorageName storageName, CBackup backup, IBackupClientHolder agentHolder, IStorageAccessor storageAccessor, IEncryptedBackupSession cryptoBackupSession)
[03.03.2016 22:34:59] <17> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CFreeBackupStorageAlg.InitStorages(IBackupClientHolder agentHolder)
[03.03.2016 22:34:59] <17> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CFreeBackupJobTarget.CreateTaskTarget(ITask task, CBackupTaskSession taskSession)
[03.03.2016 22:34:59] <17> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CFreeHvBackupJobPerformer.ExecuteTask(CHvVmTask task)
[03.03.2016 22:34:59] <17> Error at Veeam.Backup.Core.CFreeHvBackupJobPerformer.ExecuteTaskAsync(CHvVmTask task)
[03.03.2016 22:34:59] <17> Error The user name or password is incorrect. (Veeam.Backup.Common.CCppComponentException)
[03.03.2016 22:34:59] <17> Error in c++: Error code: 0x0000052e
[03.03.2016 22:34:59] <17> Error in c++: Failed to open storage for read/write access. Storage: [\\GLDC01\Backup\GL-TMS012016-03-03T223450.vbk].
[03.03.2016 22:34:59] <17> Error in c++: Failed to upgrade/fix the storage [\\GLDC01\Backup\GL-TMS012016-03-03T223450.vbk].
[03.03.2016 22:34:59] <17> Error in c++: Client failed to process the command. Command: [prepStorageForWriteEx].
[03.03.2016 22:34:59] <17> Error in c++ event: ClientErrorEvt