i have multiple VMs backed up in multiple Jobs. Those jobs have 30 days retention with weekly fulls.
Now i want to offload only the oldest full with it's increments of some specific VMs to S3.
At the moment i was thinking of something like this:
Code: Select all
$Backups = "Job1","Job2"
Foreach ($Backup in $Backups){$Files += Get-VBRBackupFile -Backup $Backup}
Foreach ($VM in $ArrayofVMs) {
$Data = $Files | Where-Object {$_.Path -like "**$VM*.vbk"}| Sort-Object -Property Path -Descending)[-1]
Start-VBROffloadBackupFile -BackupFile $Data -ThisBackupAndIncrements
$Data = $Null
Afterwards i'm gonna cycle through every VM getting it's oldest full backup file and start offloading.
The question is, as i only got the vbk file, does Veeam find the dependant incrementals automatically or do i need to add them to $Data manually?
How would i accomplish this?
Kind regards,