i am trying to use Start-VBRZip to write a backup to a network drive. It doesnt matter if i mount the network drive inside the powershell or not, i get an error when using the network drive. If i use a local drive, everythink works fine. I could not find anything in the docs if this is not working.
When i use VeeamZIP in the Gui everything works fine.
any ideas?The skript is really easy _P and i am sure, that the error depends on the network drive.
Code: Select all
$Folder = “X:”
$VM = Get-VBRServer -name "vcenter.jojo.local" | Find-VBRViEntity -name "ns0.jojo.local"
Start-VBRZip -folder $Folder -Entity $VM
Code: Select all
BottleneckManager : CJobBottleneckManager
Info : Veeam.Backup.Model.CBackupSessionInfo
Progress : Veeam.Backup.Model.CBackupProgressData
StartupMode : Normal
JobSourceType : VDDK
CurrentPointId : 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
OriginalSessionId : 5e276bde-2d86-4396-961d-1a1f634d3e96
IsFullMode : True
IsRetryMode : False
IsQuickBackup : False
IsVeeamZip : True
IsPlannedFailover : False
IsReplicaFromBackup : False
IsAdHocBackup : False
PostActivity : AskService
Name : ns0.pfw.local_2015-09-21T215704 (Active Full)
OrigJobName : ns0.pfw.local_2015-09-21T215704
BackupStats : Veeam.Backup.Model.CBackupStats
WorkDetails : Veeam.Backup.Core.CBackupSessionWorkDetails
WillBeRetried : False
IsManuallyStopped : False
IsTransformLaunched : False
SessionCryptoSpec : Veeam.Backup.Crypto.CCryptoSymmetricSpec
UserCryptoSpec :
SelectiveProcessingSpec :
StorageVerificationResult : Veeam.Backup.Core.CStorageVerificationResultContainer
IsEncryptionEnabled : False
SessionInfo : Veeam.Backup.Model.CBackupSessionInfo
Id : 5e276bde-2d86-4396-961d-1a1f634d3e96
JobType : Backup
JobName : ns0.jojo.local_2015-09-21T215704
JobSpec : <FreeBackupSpec><JobId>6cd8b34b-2bc8-47d0-baa5-62bca78f02f4</JobId><JobName>ns0.pfw.local_2
JobTypeString : Other job type
Operation :
Description :
BaseProgress : 100
IsCompleted : True
IsWorking : False
IsStarting : False
IsPostprocessing : False
JobId : 6cd8b34b-2bc8-47d0-baa5-62bca78f02f4
Result : Failed
State : Stopped
EndTime : 21.09.2015 21:57:29
CreationTime : 21.09.2015 21:57:04
AuxData : <AuxData><CBackupSessionWorkDetails><WorkDuration>248976340</WorkDuration></CBackupSessionW
orkDetails><SessionStarterInfo Version="1" UserName="Administrator" UserDomainName="BACKUP"
RunManually="True" /></AuxData>
IsLowerAgentPriority : True
LogName : Job.ns0.pfw.local_2015-09-21T215704
LogsSubFolder : ns0.pfw.local_2015-09-21T215704
Logger : Veeam.Backup.Core.XmlLogger
Tracer : Veeam.Backup.Core.CSessionLogTracer