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Synch Repository Commands

Post by rogerdu »

I have 2 sites, 2 B&R servers, 2 REepository servers and am running the following script on both servers (well 2 scripts since I synch both the local and remote repositories from each B&R server). This is run on the Main B&R server

# Notes
# This script opens a connection with the local Veeam Backup Server and Synchronizes teh contents of the Long Term
# repository with the database.

Add-PSSnapin VeeamPSSnapin

$repo = Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name "R-SiteLong Term" -ScaleOut
$Sync = Sync-VBRBackupRepository -Repository $repo

Write-Output "Synching DR-Site Long Term repository"

Start-Sleep -s 600

$repo = Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name "DR-Site Main"
$Sync = Sync-VBRBackupRepository -Repository $repo

Write-Output "Synching DR-Site Main repository"

Start-Sleep -s 600

Here's the question...

How can I tell if this is actually working?? there is never a status, nor is there a way of getting the Sync-vbrbackuprepository command to actually give feedback.. or is there??
Mike Resseler
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Re: Synch Repository Commands

Post by Mike Resseler »

Unfortunately I can't test at this moment but can you run this, and then do a Get-VBRBackupRepository -Name "something" again, and then do a print all of the parameters of that object? I wouldn't be surprised if the last sync status is in there. (But as said, I can't connect to an environment right now so not sure...)
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Full Name: Roger Dufour

Re: Synch Repository Commands

Post by rogerdu »

I checked with support (while working another case) and their response led me to believe that my methodology wasn't going to work in any case... so this is a bust... I had to change the paradigm so that the only thing that is pulled is a replication... and from the source VMs.

All the other stuff (backups, local and remote backup copies) have to be initiated from the source side.
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Re: Synch Repository Commands

Post by Vek17 » 1 person likes this post

While this solution is no longer relevant this is how you would need to monitor this rescan.

Code: Select all

$Syncs = Sync-VBRBackupRepository -Repository $repo
    Sleep 10
    $Waiting = $false
    foreach($Sync in $Syncs){
            $Waiting = $true
#Sync is Done
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