I don't think so as many things have changed in VeeamPSsnapin since 2012. You might want to contact OP in order to check if there is a more relevant version. If you're looking for a decent reporting tool then Veeam ONE is worth checking. There is also another reporting tool that you might be interested in.
The below scripts available on Veeam backup server? if yes please provide the script location. if not please provide the entire script.
Veeam_Get-JobStatusSummary.ps1 (Summary of the most recent session for all jobs)
- Veeam_Get-JobStatusDetails.ps1 (Details of the most recent session for all jobs)
- Veeam_Get-BackupStorageStatus.ps1 (Storage data and any alerts for Veeam Backup repositories)
- Veeam_Get-ReplicaStorageStatus.ps1 (Storage data and any alerts for Veeam Replica repositories)
- Veeam_Get-AllUnprotectedVMs.ps1 (Checks vCenter for any machines not protected)
- Veeam_Get-ServicesStatus.ps1 (Checks the current Status of Veeam Services)
- Veeam_Get-LicenseStatus.ps1 (Checks the licensing status and expiration period)
- Veeam_Gent-EventLogs.ps1 (Gathers event logs based on specified queries)
Those scripts are unofficial scripts from a community member. They were never included in Veeam Backup & Replication.
You find all information in the first post. But please note, it seems the scripts were last updated 8-9 years ago. I don't expect them still working.