Does anyone have a script or know what commands can be issued to Rescan all HV servers and then update or verify a backup job to make sure/update a backup job based on which HV the VM is on.
Business Case:
To update Hypervisors we migrate the VM's off of them, however then we need to update the backup jobs for those VMs to the new HV they are on. So is there a powershell script that can update backup jobs based on which Hypervisor the VM is on?
Why not just create backup jobs which have the entire HV host as a source? As soon you have migrated the VM to a new host, the assigned job will protect it.
Please be aware, if you move VMs to a new host and therefore a new job, active full backups will be created.
If you have a HV cluster, you could use single jobs. Backup chains will be continued after a VM migration.