You will want to use the VSSOptions cmdlets here:
https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... ml?ver=120
New-VBRJobVSSOptions will generate a "default" VSS options that can be applied to the job or to specific objects.
Loosely, what you'd do is:
1. Use Get-VBRJob to fetch the job in question and save to some variable.
2. Get the job objects with Get-VBRJobObject, passing the job variable from step 1 to the -Job paramater
3. Save the object in question from step 2 to some variable (or call it from the index), and get its job options with Get-VBRJobObjectVSSOptions.
4. Edit the properties and items on the object from step 3 to your liking
5. Set the new options with Set-VBRJobObjectVSSOptions, passing the Object variable from step 3 and the JobObjectVSSOptions you altered in steps 3 and 4.
A loose workflow assuming that the Postgres server is called ddom-pgsql in a backup job called pgsql-backup:
Code: Select all
$job = Get-VBRJob -Name 'pgsql-backup'
$jobObjects = Get-VBRJobObjects -Job $job -Name 'ddom-pgsql'
$ObjectVSSOpts = Get-VBRJobObjectVSSOptions -Object $JobObjects
$ObjectVSSOpts.PostgresqlBackupOptions.BackupLogsEnabled = $true #this is just an example on enabling log backup, you can set anything you like
Set-VBRJobObjectVSSOptions -Object $JobObjects -Options $ObjectVSSOpts