I have a small script that creates a report for me, but I can't get it to return correct data in: Deduplication Compress Transferred Start End
I suppose it is because I do not correctly collect the variable, but when I change it by:
It brings me globle data not from the job in question
Code: Select all
$today = (get-date).Date
$backup = Get-VBRBackup | where {$_.info.jobname -eq "VS.BC.A.01. ProducciónInterna Infraestructura.Win"}
if ($backup) {
$backup.GetAllStorages() | where {$_.CreationTime.Date -eq $today} |
Format-Table @{Name="Nombre de la VM"; Expression={$_.PartialPath.ToString().Split('.')[0]}},
@{Name="Total Size VM"; Expression={$_.Stats.DataSize/1GB}},
@{Name="Size VM"; Expression={$_.Stats.BackupSize/1GB}} ,
@{Name="Tranferido"; Expression={$_.Stats.TransferedSize/1GB}} ,
@{Name="Deduplicacion"; Expression={$_.Stats.DedupRatio/10}},
@{Name="Compress Ratio"; Expression={$_.Stats.CompressRatio/10}},
@{Name="Duration"; Expression={$_.Stats.Progress.Duration}},
@{Name="Start Time"; Expression={$_.Stats.CreationTime}},
@{Name="End Time"; Expression={$_.Stats.EndTime}}