Did a test with normal incremental backup
Code: Select all
PS> Get-VBRRestorePoint -backup testjob1 | Sort-Object creationtime -Descending
VM Name Creation Time Type Failoved
------- ------------- ---- --------
test22 05.09.2014 13:11:48 Full
test20 05.09.2014 13:11:46 Full
test22 05.09.2014 13:05:48 Increment
test20 05.09.2014 13:05:46 Increment
test22 05.09.2014 13:02:18 Increment
test20 05.09.2014 13:02:16 Increment
test22 05.09.2014 12:58:14 Increment
test20 05.09.2014 12:58:12 Increment
test22 05.09.2014 12:51:42 Increment
test20 05.09.2014 12:51:39 Increment
test22 05.09.2014 12:47:23 Increment
test20 05.09.2014 12:47:21 Increment
test22 05.09.2014 12:27:59 Full
test20 05.09.2014 12:27:43 Full
Code: Select all
PS> Get-VBRRestorePoint -backup testjob1 -name test20 | Sort-Object creationtime
VM Name Creation Time Type Failoved
------- ------------- ---- --------
test20 05.09.2014 12:27:43 Full
test20 05.09.2014 12:47:21 Increment
test20 05.09.2014 12:51:39 Increment
test20 05.09.2014 12:58:12 Increment
test20 05.09.2014 13:02:16 Increment
test20 05.09.2014 13:05:46 Increment
test20 05.09.2014 13:11:46 Ful
Code: Select all
PS> Get-VBRRestorePoint -backup testjob1 -name test20 | Sort-Object creationtime | Where {$_.type -eq "Increment"} | Select -First 1
VM Name Creation Time Type Failoved
------- ------------- ---- --------
test20 05.09.2014 12:47:21 Increment
Code: Select all
PS> $restorepoint_obj=Get-VBRRestorePoint -backup testjob1 -name test20 | Sort-Object creationtime | Where {$_.type -eq "Increment"} | Select -First 1
PS> echo $restorepoint_obj
VM Name Creation Time Type Failoved
------- ------------- ---- --------
test20 05.09.2014 12:47:21 Increment
Code: Select all
PS> Remove-VBRRestorePoint -Oib $restorepoint_obj
Möchten Sie diese Aktion wirklich ausführen?
Ausführen des Vorgangs "Remove-VBRRestorePoint" für das Ziel "test20".
[J] Ja [A] Ja, alle [N] Nein [K] Nein, keine [H] Anhalten [?] Hilfe (Standard ist "J"): J
Code: Select all
PS> Get-VBRRestorePoint -backup testjob1 | Sort-Object creationtime -Descending
VM Name Creation Time Type Failoved
------- ------------- ---- --------
test22 05.09.2014 13:11:48 Full
test22 05.09.2014 13:05:48 Increment
test22 05.09.2014 13:02:18 Increment
test22 05.09.2014 12:58:14 Increment
test22 05.09.2014 12:51:42 Increment
test22 05.09.2014 12:47:23 Increment
test22 05.09.2014 12:27:59 Full
So result is not only increment of Vm test20 gets deleted but fulls also.
Why is this? Fulls, regardless of wether active or synthetic, could stand on their own and don't rely on increments whatsoever. So why did the fulls get deleted, especially when only one object of an increment gets passed over?
The chain of test22 still exists, but the outcome regarding test20 is still not what one would expect.
Retention was set to hold 5 restorepoints. Maybe it trashes the fulls too because deleting the increments reduce retention to only 2 points violating the policy?