We have Vsans in our vSphere environment, but we're trying to verify that our Linux proxies are associated with them. We made sure our Linux proxies are using the Vsan compute resources, as well as the Vsan datastore, so they are closely associated with the Vsan.
We're surprised that when we try to use the "Connected datastores" menu for the proxy, we are unable to see the Vsan resources either in Automatic selection (where we would expect to), or under Manual selection. Our Transport mode is Virtual appliance.
This raises the question of how we would find this information via the CLI. For example, I can set this configuration using the CLI:
Code: Select all
PS C:\windows\temp> $SERVER=get-vbrserver -name my-esx-server.my-company.com
PS C:\windows\temp> $LSVSAN=Find-VBRViEntity -server $SERVER -datastoresandvms | where-object {($_.type -eq "Datastore" -and $_.ISVSAN -eq $True -and $_.name -like "vsan*")}
PS C:\windows\temp> $PROXY=Get-VBRViProxy -Name 'my-proxy.my-company.com'
PS C:\windows\temp> Set-VBRViLinuxProxy -Proxy $PROXY -ConnectedDatastoreMode Manual -Datastore $LSVSAN -TransportMode HotAdd
Code: Select all
PS C:\windows\temp> find-vbrvientity -server $SERVER -datastoresandvms | where-object {($_.type -eq "Datastore" -and $_.ISVSAN -eq $True -and $_.name -like "vsan*")}
SystemVolumeType : Vsan
IsVSAN : True
IsVVol : False
ConnHost : Veeam.Backup.Core.Common.CHost
Type : Datastore
Reference : datastore-5919
Capacity : 384074766090240
FreeSpace : 320939100838360
Id : a478b6cd-0780-4f76-85a3-edff0970f57b_datastore-5919
Path : my-esx-server-my-company.com\vsanDatastore
Name : vsanDatastore
Thank you,