Management reporting and documentation
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Actual Veeam Reporting?

Post by homerjnick »

VEEAM ONE is great to monitor and report on your virtual environment but what about reporting on Veeam itself?

The reports in Enterprise Manager are basic.

My manager wants a report on the last seven days of 30 critical VM's and their replication stats.

I can see no way to pull this data off without having to click into Reports in Enterprise Manager, clicking into the replication job, exporting to excel, renaming the damn file and then going into the next replication job and do the same.

Then combine them into one workbook...

Time consuming and not very efficient...

Are there any other ways to report on Veeam jobs themselves?
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Actual Veeam Reporting?

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Hi Nick,

Currently we do not have reports for Veeam B&R in Veeam ONE, however could you please answer a couple of questions, so that I fully understand what report you want to have:
homerjnick wrote:My manager wants a report on the last seven days of 30 critical VM's and their replication stats.
Do you group your critical VMs into a one job or do you have them spread across multiple jobs?
homerjnick wrote:Are there any other ways to report on Veeam jobs themselves?
You can send a summary email notification for all your jobs using Enterprise Manager. If this is not exactly what you're looking for, could you please give me a couple of examples of reports you would like to see in Veeam ONE? As far as I got you correct, you're looking for something like this:

1. Veeam B&R jobs overview (current state, last state, total duration, amount of transferred data etc.)
2. Overview of VMs - backed up VMs with its retention settings and last good state.

Anything to add?

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Full Name: Nick Mahlitz

Re: Actual Veeam Reporting?

Post by homerjnick »

Thanks for your reply...

I have setup individual jobs for replication for specific timing issues that we have...thus I would love to be able to run a report based on a time period that I specify that will tell me stats on all my replications jobs with the usual stats in the statistics window but the report groups this by job....

DATE: Monday
All stats
DATE: Tuesday
All stats

The same would be true for backups although my backup's are grouped by resource pool.

The summary report from Enterprise Manager just tells me what was successful and what was not, I need all the details from each replication job but grouped into one report.

I could knock one together myself using Crystal Reports but I am intrigued as to why there are no Veeam reports with the product.

Is there a plan to integrate this into Enterprise Manager or Veeam ONE at a future date?

I will need to provide for insurance purposes and to senior management that Veeam was worth the money and we have DR/BC and to do that I need to report on activity within Veeam.
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Actual Veeam Reporting?

Post by Vitaliy S. »

homerjnick wrote:Is there a plan to integrate this into Enterprise Manager or Veeam ONE at a future date?
Yes, we are investigating possibilities of adding this functionality to the future releases. Thanks for your feedback, it really helps.
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