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Exporting Veeam ONE Alarm definition that is enabled to CSV/

Post by albertwt »

Is there any way to export the VeeamONE alarm definition to CSV or Excel spreadsheet along with its trigger / rule ?

I need to compare the trigger rule that is configured in VCenter and with VeeamONE, because out of the box both alarm definitions are different.
/* Veeam software enthusiast user & supporter ! */
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Exporting Veeam ONE Alarm definition that is enabled to

Post by Vitaliy S. » 1 person likes this post

Yes, you can do that via alarms export/import functionality. Thanks!
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Re: Exporting Veeam ONE Alarm definition that is enabled to

Post by albertwt »

Vitaliy S. wrote:Yes, you can do that via alarms export/import functionality. Thanks!
The result is in .XML not in Excel spreadsheet or .CSV file, it is hard to compare .XML file with one to another.
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Re: Exporting Veeam ONE Alarm definition that is enabled to

Post by albertwt »

What I'm looking for is the similar result as the following Powershell command:

Code: Select all

Get-AlarmDefinition | Select Name, Enabled, ActionRepeatMinutes, Description, Entity | Export-Csv C:\temp\AlarmDefinitions\VCenter.csv
So the result will be something like this:

Code: Select all

Name                                                                                  Enabled                           ActionRepeatMinutes Description                                   Entity                                       
----                                                                                  -------                           ------------------- -----------                                   ------                                       
VKernel VM Disk Latency                                                                 False                                             0 'VKernel VM Disk Latency' above 50 ms for ... Datacenters                                  
VKernel Host CPU Utilization                                                            False                                             0 'VKernel Host CPU Utilization' above 95% f... Datacenters                                  
VKernel Host Memory Utilization                                                         False                                             0 'VKernel Host Memory Utilization' above 95... Datacenters                                  
Unmanaged workload detected on SIOC-enabled...                                          False                                             0 Default alarm that triggers if an unmanage... Datacenters                                  
VKernel VM Memory Utilization                                                           False                                             0 'VKernel VM Memory Utilization' above 95% ... Datacenters                                  
VKernel VM CPU Utilization                                                              False                                             0 'VKernel VM CPU Utilization' above 95% for... Datacenters                                  
Migration error                                                                          True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor if a virtual mach... Datacenters                                  
License error                                                                            True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor license errors       Datacenters                                  
Cannot connect to storage                                                                True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor host connectivity... Datacenters                                  
Host cpu usage                                                                           True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor host CPU usage       Datacenters                                  
Virtual Machine OS Restarted                                                             True                                            -1 Default alarm to monitor restarted virtual... Datacenters                                  
Virtual Machine Powered On                                                               True                                            -1 Default alarm to monitor powered on virtua... Datacenters                                  
Exit standby error                                                                       True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor if a host cannot ... Datacenters                                  
Host connection failure                                                                  True                                             5 Default alarm to monitor host connection f... Datacenters                                  
vSphere Distributed Switch teaming matched ...                                           True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor changes in vSpher... Datacenters                                  
Virtual machine Consolidation Needed status                                              True                                             0 Default alarm that is triggered when virtu... Datacenters                                  
Host storage status                                                                      True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor storage.  See the... Datacenters                                  
vSphere Distributed Switch MTU supported st...                                           True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor changes in vSpher... Datacenters                                  
Host error                                                                               True                                             5 Default alarm to monitor host error and wa... Datacenters                                  
Virtual machine error                                                                    True                                             5 Default alarm to monitor virtual machine e... Datacenters                                  
Host IPMI System Event Log status                                                        True                                             0 Monitors the fullness of the IPMI System E... Datacenters                                  
Host Baseboard Management Controller status                                              True                                             0 Monitors the status of the Baseboard Manag... Datacenters                                  
Health status monitoring                                                                 True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor changes in overal... Datacenters                                  
Host service console swap rates                                                          True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor host service cons... Datacenters                                  
Virtual Machine snapshot size                                                            True                                           120 The VCenter Alarm for VM snapshot size rem... Datacenters                                  
License user threshold monitoring                                                        True                                           120 Default alarm to monitor if a user-defined... Datacenters                                  
Virtual machine total disk latency                                                       True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor virtual machine t... Datacenters                                  
Datastore usage on disk                                                                  True                                            -1 Default alarm to monitor datastore disk usage Datacenters                                  
Virtual machine cpu usage                                                                True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor virtual machine c... Datacenters                                  
Virtual machine memory usage                                                             True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor virtual machine m... Datacenters                                  
Network connectivity lost                                                                True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor network connectiv... Datacenters                                  
Network uplink redundancy lost                                                           True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor loss of network u... Datacenters                                  
Health status changed alarm                                                              True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor changes to servic... Datacenters                                  
Virtual machine Fault Tolerance state changed                                            True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor changes in the Fa... Datacenters                                  
Host memory usage                                                                        True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor host memory usage    Datacenters                                  
Host storage connectivity status                                                         True                                            -1 Monitors storage connectivity                 Datacenters                                  
Network uplink redundancy degraded                                                       True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor network uplink re... Datacenters                                  
NIC not configured correctly                                                             True                                             0 Default alarm for incorrectly configured V... Datacenters                                  
vSphere Distributed Switch MTU matched status                                            True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor changes in vSpher... Datacenters                                  
Host hardware power status                                                               True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor power.  See the h... Datacenters                                  
Host hardware system board status                                                        True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor system boards.  S... Datacenters                                  
Host hardware voltage                                                                    True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor voltage.  See the... Datacenters                                  
Host hardware temperature status                                                         True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor temperature.  See... Datacenters                                  
Thin-provisioned volume capacity threshold ...                                           True                                             0 Default alarm that triggers when the thin ... Datacenters                                  
Datastore capability alarm                                                               True                                             0 Default alarm that triggers when the capab... Datacenters                                  
Virtual Machine Fault Tolerance vLockStep i...                                           True                                             0 Default Alarm to monitor changes in the Fa... Datacenters                                  
Host battery status                                                                      True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor batteries.  See t... Datacenters                                  
Virtual Machine CPU Ready                                                                True                                            -1 'VKernel VM CPU Ready' above 3000 ms for 5... Datacenters                                  
Timed out starting Secondary VM                                                          True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor time-outs when st... Datacenters                                  
Host connection and power state                                                          True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor host connection a... Datacenters                                  
License inventory monitoring                                                             True                                           120 Default alarm to monitor if license invent... Datacenters                                  
Host memory status                                                                       True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor memory.  See the ... Datacenters                                  
Host hardware fan status                                                                 True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor fans.  See the ho... Datacenters                                  
No compatible host for Secondary VM                                                      True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor if no compatible ... Datacenters                                  
Host processor status                                                                    True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor processors.  See ... Datacenters                                  
Storage DRS recommendation                                                               True                                             0 Alarm that monitors a Storage DRS recommen... Datacenters                                  
vSphere HA virtual machine monitoring error                                              True                                             0 Default alarm to alert when vSphere HA fai... Datacenters                                  
License capacity monitoring                                                              True                                           120 Default alarm to monitor if a license capa... Datacenters                                  
vSphere HA virtual machine failover failed                                               True                                             0 Default alarm to alert when vSphere HA fai... Datacenters                                  
vSphere HA virtual machine monitoring action                                             True                                             0 Default alarm to alert when vSphere HA res... Datacenters                                  
SRM Consistency Group Violation                                                          True                                             0 Datastore cluster has datastores that belo... Datacenters                                  
vSphere Distributed Switch vlan trunked status                                           True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor changes in vSpher... Datacenters                                  
Pre-4.1 host connected to SIOC-enabled data...                                           True                                             0 Default alarm that triggers if a pre-4.1 h... Datacenters                                  
The host license edition is not compatible ...                                           True                                           120 Default alarm to monitor if host license e... Datacenters                                  
Datastore cluster is out of space                                                        True                                            -1 Alarm that monitors when a datastore clust... Datacenters                                  
Insufficient vSphere HA failover resources                                               True                                             0 Default alarm to alert when there are insu... Datacenters                                  
Storage DRS is not supported on Host.                                                    True                                             0 The alarm that monitors and alerts when St... Datacenters                                  
Datastore is in multiple datacenters                                                     True                                             0 Datastore in a datastore cluster is visibl... Datacenters                                  
Status of other host hardware objects                                                    True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor objects.  See the... Datacenters                                  
vSphere HA host status                                                                   True                                             0 Default alarm to monitor health of a host ... Datacenters                                  
vSphere HA failover in progress                                                          True                                             0 Default alarm to alert when vSphere HA is ... Datacenters                                  
Cannot find vSphere HA master agent                                                      True                                             0 Default alarm to alert when vCenter Server... Datacenters                                  
which can be compared line by line.
/* Veeam software enthusiast user & supporter ! */
Vitaliy S.
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Re: Exporting Veeam ONE Alarm definition that is enabled to

Post by Vitaliy S. »

Yes, I see that is might not be exactly what you've been after, but you could potentially parse/"convert" XML to CSV and then compare the values. Thanks!
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