Playing around with this report by doing a minor change and the report shows that but doesn't translate the information into friendly (human-readable) format.
We did not change the Infrastructure Changes Audit report for a while. Chris is probably speaking about backup-related audit reports - these got several enhancements in the latest versions of Veeam ONE.
Report builder allows you to build a custom report using parts (sections) of other reports, but it does not allow to change the data representation in these report parts.
As far as I remember, the Infrastructure Changes Audit report is event-based, so it basically shows the data based on the events pulled from the hypervisor, meaning we have no control over that data. Let us dig into that and get back to you with additional details.
By the way, do you see the "friendly datastore names" in the corresponding events on the hypervisor?
Indeed, Infrastructure Changes Audit is based on the events. The event description column contains the text provided by API without changes.
Custom Infrastructure report could help to match UUID (MoRef) with a friendly name.
For your example above use the next parameters:
Object type: vSphere Datastore
Columns: Name and MoRef