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Veeam ProPartner
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Full Name: Dean Colpitts
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Infrastructure Overview (Visio) not showing VMs

Post by dcolpitts »

I'm assuming that I'm doing something wrong here... I go into the Veeam ONE Web Client, go to Reports --> Offline Reports --> Infrastructure Overview (Visio), select "Show VMs", verify the Scope is Virtual Infrastructure and hit the Preview button. It generates the .vmr, which I then copy to my machine with freshly loaded Visio 2021 Pro along with vmreportviewersetup.msi. I run the MSI, and then open .vmr. Visio sparks up, and I see "Virtual Infrastructure", my VC, my DC, my cluster, and my hosts, all on page, but no VMs at all. There is an informational "I" beside Virtual Infrastructure. In there the only thing that opens / populates when I click on it is the Datastore Utilization.

So how the heck do I find the VMs, Datastores, and Networks?

Or am I totally mis-understanding what should be present here?

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Re: Infrastructure Overview (Visio) not showing VMs

Post by RomanK »

Hello Dean,

The system requirements tell that only Microsoft Visio 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 are available.

There is a probability that Visio 2021 is not supported or something is broken. Do you have a chance to check in another version? Meanwhile, I'll ask our QA team about that.

Veeam ProPartner
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Joined: Apr 01, 2011 10:36 am
Full Name: Dean Colpitts
Location: Atlantic coast of Canada

Re: Infrastructure Overview (Visio) not showing VMs

Post by dcolpitts »

Well that was a simple fix... I totally missed the fact that 2021 isn't supported. I spun up a blank W10 VM, went to and created a new .xml for just Visio 2019 Pro in, and installed it + vmreportviewersetup.msi into it, and boom! There's my missing VMs.

Thanks Roman.
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