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Full Name: Johnny Lundgren

Veeam One Agent fill up OS disk on VCC and Repo servers

Post by JLundgren »


We have issues with our VCC-B.

I noticed when checking VCC GUI/History/System that Veeam One Agent which is installed on all VCC related servers, gather logs that regularly fill up OS disks on at least VCC and Repo servers.

It seems that the Veeam product cause issues with our critical VCC-B solution (we are an SP).
Could this really be the case ?
Is the path by default really the C-drive ?
How should we move forward in our troubleshooting ?

Veeam Software
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Re: Veeam One Agent fill up OS disk on VCC and Repo servers

Post by RomanK »

Hello Johnny,

Veeam ONE agent gather logs, that is true. One possible root cause could be that there are indeed a lot of logs. The other reason could be that the agent cannot delete old logs for some reason.
The best way to troubleshoot is always opening a support case.

Usually, there are no issues with C-drive path when everything is working well. As a temporary workaround you may use symlinks but opening a support case is still strongly recommended.

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