I'm trying to query backup's using the query url: api/query?format=Entities&type=Backup&filter=JobUid=="urn:veeam:Job:******"
where ****** is a existing guid.
Unfortunately it returns a "Backups" type with a list of type "Backups" instead of a list of type "Backup", is my query incorrect?
Your query is absolutely correct. It actually returns a list of Backup types. I guess the thing that confuses you is why "Backups" property is returned once again under parent "Backups" property, correct? I think it wouldn't make sense to return "Backup" there instead since lists are not called with singular keys, they are collections. It also doesn't make sense to return "Backups" twice like it is reflected right now. I'll discuss it with developers and update this thread once we have any results.
Thank you for your reply. You are correct that the second "Bakups" confuses me, I was indeed expecting a list of "Backup" objects.
Hope to hear from you soon!
This is just to let you know that I remember about your question. Our API developer is off work, but as soon as he gets back I’ll discuss it with him and share an update.
Turns out it is by design. Types for EM REST API are defined in xsd specification. It means that to form json we need to convert xml objects to json. So paths like Backups.Backups, Jobs.Jobs etc. exist because of the pecularities of xml to json conversion.