I'm working with a monitoring solution ( Squared Up Dashboard server) and looking to utilise the new v11 REST APIs for VBR. When trying to add the VBR server, I need to provide the following information
authorization URL
token URL
client ID
client secret
I’ve never worked with Squared Up Dashboard server, so not sure about the terminology it uses.
But from what it looks like to me, your understanding about client id/client secret is correct.
It's probably more an issue at my end, with the terminology.
Regarding the header issue, again issues at my end (unable to send x-api-version) but got me thinking
a) never had to set api-versiobn before in other product calls (Enterprise Manager/VO365)
b) if according to the reference guide "In the x-api-version header, the current revision of the Veeam Backup & Replication REST API must be specified."
where can I find a list of the versions, to ensure I'm using the current revision?
a) There are few different versioning approaches to REST. On authentication step for EM, for instance, you need to specify version in the URL itself. In REST for VBR we use a combination of URL versioning and a versioning header.
We do not have any short-term plans, but what approach out of two you prefer and why? Are there any specific requirements you have or it's more like universal approach request? Thanks!