we just upgraded to 9.5 U3 and wanted to try out the fantastic new featured we are so desperately waiting for!
We love the integration in the management UI so far a lot, but are struggeling with a simple task you might think:
We have ~100 Workstations that we want to switch to the new UI.
We deployed them with the XMl file and a deployment tool this summer. (https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/agent ... tml?ver=20)
Now we want to integrate them, but fail to do so, because the Management UI tells us that all Agents are managed by the service provider.
How can we change this without to walk to every workstation manually?
Is there a "remove Agent from Backup server - command" that we can deploy to every workstation, or is there even a more simple task?
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21.12.2017 11:41:34 Warning Skipping NB-BDI109-W10.bdi.local: backup agent is managed by the service provider