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Access denied when restoring windows encrypted file

Post by houdem »


When restoring guest files from a backup, everything is fine util Veeam reaches an encrypted windows file, the one where the "Encrypt content to secure data" is selected in the advanced properties of the file in Windows explorer.

Then when Veeam reaches this file during restore, I receive an Access Denied message on screen and then the restore session just closes by itself.

Is there a way to overcome this issue ?

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Re: Access denied when restoring windows encrypted file

Post by HannesK »

do you maybe have a case number for that (please refer to case 05595908, which I opened)? Because the behavior I see is different (I'm using 11a, latest patch). Please post the case number for reference.

I also see issues, but different than yours.

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Re: Access denied when restoring windows encrypted file

Post by HannesK »

Is there a way to overcome this issue ?
yes, it seems possible. I was able to back up / restore an EFS encrypted file with Veeam Agent for Windows when using file-based backup.

I used the same approach as for the file-to-tape solution I posted here. LOCAL SYSTEM needs access to the encrypted files.

Now it depends on the scenario you have. File-based-backup is slower than block-based backup (volume / entire computer).

It also works for volume-based backup, if I use the data integration API to mount the volume to the source machine (you can find it in c:\veeamflr then). I did everything as administrator. If you have different users, then again the encryption needs to be configured in a way, that access is possible.

Best regards,
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