I added some physical machines on a new protection group and it start rescan and install the agent but for some reason it just keeps going. it is over two hours now. I assume there is something wrong with the destination but i do not have a "stop" button enabled.
You may check the status with our customer support team.
If you feel that there is nothing happening right know, you may try to restart Veeam backup service.
But only do that if no other sessions (backup, replica, offload, restore) are running.
If the Rescan session is still running after a service reboot, it may be a orphaned session which needs to be removed from the database by our support team.
Don't you thing it is a bit overdramatic to open a support ticket for not having a stop session button ?
Too much effort for something that it SHOULD be there.
Yes, it should work. Let me check why stop is not available for those sessions. There may be a technical reason why stopping those sessions cannot be included in the product.
But for the stuck rescan session (2 hours), I still recommend to open a support case to check what's happening in your backup server.