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Sort Protection Groups alphabetically

Post by Eric_Cartman »


I've searched the Forum and asked Dr. Google about it, but to me it seems that there's no way of sorting the created Protection Groups by Name alphabetically right?
What I mean is at the Physical Infrastructure on the left side of the UI the "folder view" of the existing Protection Groups is just as they've been created but no option to sort them in any way...

If there's a way, please let me know!
Otherwise I would make it a feature request since I have a lot of groups and I want them to be sorted :D

Thank you!
Egor Yakovlev
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Re: Sort Protection Groups alphabetically

Post by Egor Yakovlev » 1 person likes this post

Hi Eric.

In v11 it is surely alphabetical by default. Can you provide screenshots, please?

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Re: Sort Protection Groups alphabetically

Post by Eric_Cartman »

Hi Eric.

In v11 it is surely alphabetical by default. Can you provide screenshots, please?

Thank you for your information.
Our workaround was that we've recreated all groups in alphabetical order and none we're added since.
BUT what I've seen after I created the thread is that our v11 is not the latest release available.

So I will update our V11 in the next few days and test it again.
If it fails, I will open up a support case.

As said before, thank you for your support!
Case closed (for the moment) :)
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