When running backup, it failed with the error "Failed to start a repository agent"
You may find these "sample" errors in the backup log on the backup server:
Code: Select all
Info [AP] (Client) state: ready
Error [AP] (Client) error: bash: /tmp/VeeamAgent66357d49****: Permission denied
Info [AP] (Client) state: ready
Info [AP] (Client) state: closed
Error [AP] (Client) error: bash: /tmp/VeeamAgentc1522a0f****: Permission denied
Info [AP] (Client) state: closed
The repository is a linux based scale-out repository.
By default veeam uses /tmp on the linux repository server to download and execute the agent. File exectution may be disabled for /tmp or the veamrepouser may not have proper execution permissions.
"Simplest" Solution:
You needed to set a new folder on the repo server(s) for veeam agent/script execution
1. Create the new folder /opt/veeam on the linux reposistory server
Code: Select all
mkdir /opt/veeam
Code: Select all
chown <veeamrepouser>: /opt/veeam; setfacl -m u:<veeamrepouser>:rwx /opt/veeam
Do the step below on the Backup server
3. On the backup server you need to change the download location for the linux agent. Login to the backup server and use powershell to run the command below to make the change
Code: Select all
set-ItemProperty -path 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Veeam\Veeam Backup and Replication' -Name LinAgentFolder -Value "/opt/veeam"