- Set up a server with the Linux agent and back it up for a while
- Turn down that server but do not remove it from the Veeam inventory because you forgot
- Install Windows on that same hardware
- Attempt to back it up using the Veeam Windows agent
Code: Select all
Error: The agent fqdn.of.retired.linux.server (12345678-1234-1234-1234-1234567890abcd) has invalid license platform id [1c1c1c1c-2a2a-1c1c-2a2a-1c1c1c1c1c1c], but expected [c1c1c1c1-d3d3-c1c1-d3d3-c1c1c1c1c1c1]
The problem exists in dbo.Licensing.LicensedInstances. Apparently the agent uses the BIOS UUID to track license usage, which makes sense until one triggers this bug. In the above-mentioned tickets I first was able to fix the Windows agent that was failing by doing
Code: Select all
update [dbo].[Licensing.LicensedInstances]
set platform_id = 'c1c1c1c1-d3d3-c1c1-d3d3-c1c1c1c1c1c1'
where platform_id = '1c1c1c1c-2a2a-1c1c-2a2a-1c1c1c1c1c1c'
I can think of several different ways to fix this but they're probably wrong. Hopefully I have at least described the bug accurately enough that Veeam engineering can fix it the right way.