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Veeam Agent job based on Protection Group - email time

Post by TitaniumCoder477 »

Got a weird issue here.

Protection group "Providers" (for 5 laptops) updates every three hours.
Backup job "AHNE_ProviderComputers" targeting Providers scheduled to run every morning at 9am.

BNR history > System shows:
"Rescan of Providers" = every three hours

BNR > Jobs > Agents shows:
"AHNE_ProviderComputers" every three hours.
"AHNE_ProviderComputers - [name of laptop]" every morning at 9am where [name of laptop] is obviously the name of the individual laptops that are backing up.

Here is the mystery: The email alert comes in every morning at 8am.
Where does Veeam come up with 8am? Is this an arbitrary time? Is this hard coded? Can I change this? etc.

In order to test, I have reconfigured the backup job to update the endpoints to backup at 10am. If the emails start coming in at 9am intead of 8am, I will know there is a direct correlation between the backup job time and the email time, i.e. the email time preceeds the next backup event by an hour.

This is very puzzling because it's way different than the way Veeam handles email alerts on regular VM backup jobs and even copy jobs. Any ideas?
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Re: Veeam Agent job based on Protection Group - email time

Post by wishr »

Hi James,

I believe it's a known issue. We'll require some time to confirm whether its fixed in the nearest updated or not and will revert back to let you know.

Dima P.
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Re: Veeam Agent job based on Protection Group - email time

Post by Dima P. » 2 people like this post


Email report generation time is predefined (hard coded to 8 am). We will provide the ability to customize the report creation time for both protection group and managed by agent job in Update 4. Cheers!
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