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Windows SBS 2011

Post by alamb200 »

We look after an old SBS 2011 server for a customer and it was previously backed up with Symantec System Recovery, but this is no longer working and I have spent too much time fighting with it to want to carry on doing so.
I have other customers using the Veeam Community Edition, and because I would like to have this server replaced at some point soon, I don't want to buy a full backup solution. Will the latest Community Edition run on this server? Also can we use multiple external USB drives to back up to?
We would like to use the disks on a rotation schedule to keep at least one off site.
Thanks for your help.
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Re: Windows SBS 2011

Post by Regnor » 1 person likes this post

SBS 2011 is based on Windows Server 2008R2, so you should still be able to use the Veeam Agent for backup.
I just hope this server isn't reachable from the Internet as you will have many criticial and unpatched vulnerabilities (thinking about Exchange 2010).

Also be aware that you're violating Veeam's EULA when using the Community Edition for your customers.
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Re: Windows SBS 2011

Post by alamb200 »

Hi Raynor,
Thanks for the information, luckily exchange has been retired now, so it is just a file store. Also noted about the warning about Prohibited use, we may need to rethink the licensing side of this, but I only need it for a very short period of time.
Are you able to answer the question about the disks?
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Re: Windows SBS 2011

Post by Mildur »

Even a short period of time would be against our EULA :)
If you want to provide backup services you can register yourself as a service provider:

This will let you use Veeam Rental licensing for such use cases. Rental licenses can be used for that Agent backup and is billed monthly.
If your project is only short term, just use a rental license for a few months.

Veeam Agent can use USB Drives as a backup target. Make sure to use the rotated drive configuration:
- Veeam Agent Standalone: ... tml?ver=50
- Veeam Agent combined with Veeam Backup & Replication: ... ml?ver=110

Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
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Full Name: Anthony Lamb

Re: Windows SBS 2011

Post by alamb200 »

Thanks Fabian,
I will have a chat inhouse and see what they want to do instead, I may need to go back to Windows backup for now.
Thanks again,
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