Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Another GFS question

Post by LeoKurz »


I have 3 Backup Jobs writing to a ScaleOutRepository (only one extend at the moment). The Jobs run incremental during the week and a real full on Saturday evening. A tape job is scheduled to write to a GFS Pool every Monday. The job starts all right but it copies the backups form Saturday the week before??? E.G. Last Monday (29.02.) the full backups of last but one Saturday (22.02.) where copied???

Any idea?

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Re: Another GFS question

Post by PTide »

The job starts all right but it copies the backups form Saturday the week before???
Please describe you source job settings: start time, retention. The thing is that when GFS to tape starts it waits for one of three things to happen:

1. If the source job creates a full backup, the GFS job copies it
2. If the source job creates an incremental backup, the GFS job synthesizes a virtual full backup
3. If no backup appears in 24 hours, the GFS job looks for the most recent restore point available. If it is a full backup, the GFS job copies it. If it is an increment, the GFS job uses it to synthesize a virtual full backup

So in your case the following should occur - your GFS starts on Monday and sees no new restore points. Then it waits for a while, your source job generates another increment, GFS takes it and synthesizes new full backup dated "Monday" (case 2). What you described looks like an unexpected behaviour so please contact our support team and post your case ID here.

Thank you.
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Re: Another GFS question

Post by veremin »

Does it also sit and wait for some time, and the copies the previous full backup closer to the day's end? If so, your issue looks similar to the ones reported before which will be addressed in Update 1. Thanks.
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Re: Another GFS question

Post by rreed »

When I first fired my new GFS jobs, they did something similar. There was a full backup from Saturday, but for whatever reason it decided to pull the most recent week day's incremental and do a synthetic, ignoring the full from just a day or two ago. Why please?? And can we disable the synthetic (since for us we're pulling from a dedupe device!) and just tell it to copy (just a file copy, no synthesizing) the most recent full? Not sure my situation is near/relevant to the OP, not trying to hijack.
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Dima P.
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Re: Another GFS question

Post by Dima P. »

Hi rreed,
There was a full backup from Saturday, but for whatever reason it decided to pull the most recent week day's incremental and do a synthetic, ignoring the full from just a day or two ago. Why please??
You may need to adjust the GFS schedule and set it to the day when you have an active full backup instead of the day when you incremental restore point. The idea of the GFS is to let you archive a full backup for the day set in the schedule and when the set day keeps and incremental restore point it will create a virtual full backup.
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