I have a question about the "restore from tape to repository" default behavior: is it possible to keep the same structure objects/point of the tape job?
Let me explain, the scenario is (values are for example):
-10 backup to tape jobs with GFS (12 monthly + 3 yearly)
-every job has 10 VMs
The goal is: import all tape backups to a Veeam repository and decommission the tape library.
When I restore job 1, for example, from tape to repo, I can choose all 10 VMs from the same point, but not every point per VM.
So, the result is that, for the same job, I will have separate "imported object" per point!
Is it the normal behavior?
If yes, is it possible to consolidate these objects, using powershell or manipulating the db, into a single object with multiple VMs/point like the original job to tape structure?
Sorry for the length of the post, I didn't know how to explain it in a more simple way

Marco S.