Support Case is 00491239.
We have a Quantum SuperLoader 3 Tape Library which has 16 slots and a LTO5 SAS drive.
When a tape A is in the LTO drive of the loader and I block its previous place in the library with a new tape B, the tape A will never leave the LTO drive:
Code: Select all
[16.12.2013 09:47:17] <01> Info [MediaPool] Searching next tape medium to write to in media pool 'weekly', 16 total, 5 avaliable, 1 free, startNewMediaSet 'False'
[16.12.2013 09:47:17] <01> Info [MediaPool] Last modified tape medium found '926', is Full 'False'
[16.12.2013 09:47:17] <01> Info Tape medium '926' is successfully locked
[16.12.2013 09:47:17] <01> Info [TapeLoader] Moving tape 926 to Drive 0 (Tape0)
[16.12.2013 09:47:17] <01> Error Tape not exchanged. (Veeam.Tape.Core.TapeMediumNotExchangedException)
[16.12.2013 09:47:17] <01> Error at Veeam.Tape.Core.AutomatedTapeMediumExchanger.ExchangeTapeMediumsForBackup(Boolean updateMediaInfo)
[16.12.2013 09:47:17] <01> Error at Veeam.Tape.Core.TapeBackupTaskPerformerBase.BackupStartSession(ITapeBackupObject task)
[16.12.2013 09:47:17] <01> Error at Veeam.Tape.Core.VmTapeBackupTaskPerformer.Backup()
[16.12.2013 09:47:17] <01> Error Tape 923 requires return to original slot 14, but it is already filled. Move tape manually, and retry operation. (System.Exception)
In my opinion, this error should either pop up in the GUI/email report so the user can fix this issue or B&R should put the tape to a different slot in the autoloader. With barcodes on the tapes, there should be no need to store the tape at its original slot.
Best regards,