Afternoon, everyone. Respectfully, I would consider this a legitimate bug please. File to tape job, been running for a few days, spanning quite a lot of TB across several tapes. Library eventually runs out of free tapes, fine. Veeam/tape backup job pauses and says "Insert a valid tape into the library," fine.
Get to the data center, pull the magazine to insert a valid tape,
Code: Select all
"Unloading tape blah from Drive 1 (Server: blah, Library: blah, Drive ID: Tape0) to Slot 13 Error: The indicated element is part of a magazine that is not present. <some other error code stuff here> Timed out waiting for device ready status on ChangerGetElementStatus operation, element 'Change
6/20/2016 10:49:54 AM :: Task <my backup file here> failed. Error: The indicated element is part of a magazine that is not present.
<some other error code stuff here>
--tr:Timed out waiting for device ready status on ChangerGetElementStatus operation, element 'ChangerDrive' ?'0'
The indicated element is part
6/20/2016 10:49:54 AM :: [TapeService] Failed to UnloadTapeFromDrive
The indicated element is part of a magazine that is not present.
--tr:Timed out waiting for device ready status on ChangerGetElementStatus operation, element 'ChangerDrive' ?'0'
The indicated element is part of a magazine that "
Looks like some of the error messages in the Statistics also get cut off. Anyways, after a few days, several TB, and a handful of tapes, when I go to give it the more tapes for which it's asking, it fails my job when I do. As far as this "timed out," it was enough time to eject the magazine, throw it up on the bench, load a handful of tapes into it, and slide it back in. Couldn't have been more than a few minutes. I didn't pull the magazine and go to lunch, let alone leave it out for several days, etc. Not expecting my job to fail while I loaded more tapes it was asking for, I didn't think to watch the screen to see if it bombed out the moment I pulled the magazine. Either way, it should #1 not time out at all, really, and #2, if for whatever reason it needs to time out while I'm swapping tapes, at least give me enough time to do so please?