Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Commvault to Veeam simplifying retention

Post by ArnoNym »

so we recently moved to Veeam and I started to simplify (at least tried) our Tape Backup.
Currently my plan is to make a backup from our disk backup once a month to tape. And keep that data for about a year then overwrite.
Then once a year move selected Tape Jobs to a different retention (5/10 years).

So I created a media pool for 13 months retention and thought I could then just move the tapes to another media pool with different retention once a year. But apparently the "expires in" flag is lost when you move the tapes.
Do I have to create a new Tape Job and configure it to run once a year then?
Dima P.
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Re: Commvault to Veeam simplifying retention

Post by Dima P. »

Hello and welcome to the community forums!
So I created a media pool for 13 months retention and thought I could then just move the tapes to another media pool with different retention once a year. But apparently the "expires in" flag is lost when you move the tapes.
Currently we do not support modification of previously written tapes.
Do I have to create a new Tape Job and configure it to run once a year then?
Instead you can go with GFS media pools, where tape automatically goes to yearly media set instead of monthly according to the defined schedule. Will that help, or you need to move tapes to yearly retention occasionally?
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