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Confusing Tape Operations, case #00696905

Post by StayThirstyMyFriends »

Veeam B&R v8. Windows 2012 physical server, Quantum Superloader3 w LTO5 drive. Two 8-slot magazines.

Assume I run a backup job that uses the tapes in slots 3, 4, and 5. When the job completes, the tapes that started out in slots 3, 4, & 5 end up back in those slots. But if I inventory those same three slots, or do a quick erase on those same three slots, I'm left scratching my head. Here's why.

First, it doesn't inventory the slots consecutively based on ascending slot number. It might inventory slot 4, then 5, then 3. What criteria does Veeam use to determine the slot order on an operation such as this?

Second, assume the same inventory operation as above. The last tape to be inventoried, no matter what slot it came from, does not get ejected from the drive and moved back to the slot it came from; it stays in the drive. It is confusing to tape operators when a backup job does move the tape back to its origin slot, but an erase job does not. Is there an "eject" option on utility tape operations like there is on backup tape operations?
Dima P.
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Re: Confusing Tape Operations, case #00696905

Post by Dima P. » 1 person likes this post

What criteria does Veeam use to determine the slot order on an operation such as this?
From the top of my head it’s the order is determined by on the library level, but I’ll check with dev team and let you know the results.
The last tape to be inventoried, no matter what slot it came from, does not get ejected from the drive and moved back to the slot it came from; it stays in the drive. It is confusing to tape operators when a backup job does move the tape back to its origin slot, but an erase job does not.
That is true the last tape in the sequence keeps the catalogue information about the previously used tapes in the media set. After inventory or catalogue of the inserted media other operation may follow (like restore or erase) – so it is not ejected to safe some time during restore operations. Its currently by design, but thank you for the feedback!
Is there an "eject" option on utility tape operations like there is on backup tape operations?
No, only manual eject.
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Re: Confusing Tape Operations, case #00696905

Post by veremin » 1 person likes this post

Though, you can automate most of those activities via PowerShell. Thanks.
Dima P.
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Re: Confusing Tape Operations, case #00696905

Post by Dima P. » 1 person likes this post

What criteria does Veeam use to determine the slot order on an operation such as this?
The first is tape in the drive, then sorting comes either by barcode or if you selected a scope of the media in UI, according to this order
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