Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Copy to Tape not working as expected

Post by CaptinJack »

Hi guys,
We have two sites (Site A and Site B for simplicity)

The sites are entirely separate companies, but are linked via VPN.

Each site has a VBR server and performs local backups, then copies the backups offsite to the opposing site (Site A copies to Site B, Site B copies to Site A).

Site A has a tape drive with job to copy all backups in the two local repositories to tape.

For backups performed using VBR from Site A, this works fine.

For the repository that Site B copies to, this does not work. Indeed on the job window, the repo shows as 0B.

In the VBR console of Site A, we can see the offsite copies from Site B, and indeed even perform restore.

Is there a reason the copy to tape is not copying data from the repository Site B is copying to, even though it is added as a repository at Site A?

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Re: Copy to Tape not working as expected

Post by Mildur »

Hi CaptinJack
The sites are entirely separate companies, but are linked via VPN.
A backup server from Company A should not process backups from a completely separated Company B. I'm pretty sure that could violate our end user license agreement if they use their end-user licenses or community edition on their servers. In your scenario Company A is providing Tape Services for Company B. Therefore they act as a service provider and must be correctly licensed (Rental).

For your technical question:
A Backup To Tape job will only copy backups mapped to a backup job. Imported backups can be written to tape by a File to Tape Job.

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Re: Copy to Tape not working as expected

Post by CaptinJack »

Thanks Fabian.

The two companies are covered by a single rental license assigned to the top level holding company. The rental license covers enough points/vms for both companies.

Code: Select all

                               Holding Company
                               /             \
                          Site A            Site B
Whilst the two sites are independent companies, they are owned by the top level holding company.

Thank you for answering the technical side of the question. I will add a job to do this.
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