Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Deduplication repository and backup to tape

Post by mcgregor »


we have set up deduplication appliance (Qauntum DXI4800) as primary backup target. Of course, we want to backup our data to tapes as well. The question follows, is it recommended to create backup to tape job, which means, that data from deduplication appliance/repository will be sent from appliance to tapes? Or is it better to stick with file to tape job, where data are moved to tape from production environnmet? Also, please correct me if any of my assuptions are wrong.
Dima P.
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Re: Deduplication repository and backup to tape

Post by Dima P. »

Hello mcgregor,

You can consider both options but backup to tape job remains free in terms of licensing while file to tape will consume license based on protected amount of data. Additionally please keep in mind that getting the data from deduplication appliance during backup to tape might slow down the overall tape processing performance, as well as all synthetic operations such as virtual full to tape specifically. Hope it helps!
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Re: Deduplication repository and backup to tape

Post by MarkBoothmaa » 1 person likes this post

We have a client that offloads the weekly full from a DataDomain to tape via backup to tape and this works well.
Obviously the transfer speeds are somewhat slower but it is achievable.
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