Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Feature Request for file archive abilities.

Post by vmtech123 »

There are 2 things I would like. The ability to archive both files, and VM's.

The first could be very easy. VeeamZIP to tape.
- I already do this essentially by running a file to tape job on a VeeamZIP, then deleting the VeeamZIP.
-I can always restore it at a later point, but sometimes I want to backup a VM to tape for a few years before I delete it.

The second would be a similar idea, but for files.
Think of VeeamZIP to tape, but at a folder level. Or a 1 time, file-to-tape job on a specific folder or folders.
- NASBackup on our whole environment makes no sense as the VM's are already backed up in the Backup Jobs.
- This is for archive data we want to put on tape then delete after, but have the ability to restore
- This would allow us to search it in the database (possibly)
- This is the one feature TSM does that keeps us having to use it for "archive only data"

I'd be fine to pay for the VUL's of the NASBackup size used in this method. I already have a PB of space I'd archive to tape this way. (for the file archive)

I'd love to select a folder, click archive, and have it go to tape at 2 sites. (a manual delete would be required after to take liability away from Veeam)

If there was some sort of way to create a folder structure or at least a way to organize the archive data, that would be cool too. But if it used the current folder structure on the servers that would be acceptable.

PLEASE make this happen someday. That TSM money could be in your guys pockets!

If you ever want to chat about this, I think this feature would have many of us large data users very happy. Government, dark sites and other who can't use cloud are candidates too. Plus, we can't archive much of this to cloud due to the "potential" need to restore at a moments notice and budget. Tape is the only way.
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Re: Feature Request for file archive abilities.

Post by bct44 » 1 person likes this post

+1 for VeeamZIP to Tape. I don't know how it could be achieved specially tape retention is related to the retention configuration applied on the media pools and not on the file. It could be easier if your tape librairies could be linked to an object storage. Delete markers could do the trick.
Bertrand / TAM EMEA
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Re: Feature Request for file archive abilities.

Post by vmtech123 »

Veeam zip it to the correct media pool and there would be no issue at all!
I create my pools with retention periods in mind, 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, etc. Simple.

As for the file portion of my request.
If there could be tab in the GUI titled "Archives" or similar that would be fantastic.

This would enable me to create 1 time NASBackup jobs in a different location (preferably to 2 libraries and cloud object all at once), then delete the folders off production when I am done with historical archive data.

Having it be searchable would be a HUGE bonus, or allow enterprise manager to index it.

This would meet the 3-2-1 rules and make you guys millions just off our company in the next few years. That should pay for the R+D and some staff alone :D
I think every other agency like ours would be all over this to save space on our expensive production storage.
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