Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Feature Request - Job History Consolidation

Post by ekisner »

Within Backup & Replication > Backups > Tape, there exists a list of disk jobs "on Tape".

I find the list to be quite cluttered and unwieldy.

For example, we have 14 Backup to Disk jobs and 3 VEB jobs, which are then covered by 8 different tape jobs. If I have disk jobs "Finance Line Of Business", and "Planning Line of Business", and a VEB job for a physical application server all covered under a tape job "Line of Business", I end up in the Tape summary with a "Finance Line of Business on Tape", "Planning Line of Business on Tape", and "Backup Job ServerName on Tape".

They're all one tape job. I know which job they're covered by. It would in my mind make more sense to organize them by tape job, rather than by underlying sources. Then within the tape job, expand out the sources (Finance LoB, Planning LoB, etc), and then within that, expand the VMs, and then within that, expand the restore points.

Another sort of sore point is the fact that my VEB jobs have 5 to 7 "Backup Job ServerName on Tape" rows each (the number varies by job). They all have different restore points in them, and some were definitely to different media pools (an artificial GFS setup prior to implementation of an actual GFS media pool), but some are not. If they were organized by the tape job, this would reduce the interface clutter considerably. Perhaps this is an issue for support however, I'm not sure if that's expected/known/unknown/unexpected behaviour.

I would lastly think a way to right-click remove from configuration for tape job data would be very handy, just as their is for disk job data. We have old jobs which are no longer present cluttering up the interface, and I need only catalog the tapes if I need the data from 8 months ago.

Just throwing it all out there. Thoughts?
Dima P.
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Re: Feature Request - Job History Consolidation

Post by Dima P. »

Hello Erik,

Thanks for a good feedback. I got some questions though.
It would in my mind make more sense to organize them by tape job, rather than by underlying sources.
So underneath the tape job you would like to see the actual names of the source backup job, which could be expanded further (like this: Tape job > Source Job > Source backup files)?
my VEB jobs have 5 to 7 "Backup Job ServerName on Tape" rows each (the number varies by job). They all have different restore points in them, and some were definitely to different media pools ... If they were organized by the tape job
Not sure, I got this right (maybe you could share a screenshot?). You would like to group the tape jobs with the similar source, even if they have different media pools set as a target?
We have old jobs which are no longer present cluttering up the interface, and I need only catalog the tapes if I need the data from 8 months ago.
I believe, this one can be solved now. Retired tape job can be deleted and old tape from catalogue can be removed from VBR’s catalogue. It should erase all the information regarding this tape and it’s source files from VBR, however, you can easily get it back via ‘catalogue tape’ operation when recovery is required.
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