Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Feature Request : Oracle Enterprise plugin copy to tape

Post by Rmachado »


Using the Oracle plugin in linux/Windows , i can copy the backup between repositories, but i cant make a job to tape from a backup made from the Oracle Enterprise plugin.

So the request is : Make available a Backup to Tape and select a Application Backup from Oracle Enterprise plugin available as a source

Thank you!
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Re: Feature Request : Oracle Enterprise plugin copy to tape

Post by HannesK »

thanks for your request and take it as +1 (we have several requests for that already).

In the meantime "file to tape" can copy the files to tape.

Best regards,
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Re: Feature Request : Oracle Enterprise plugin copy to tape

Post by Samba222 »

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[MERGED] Oracle RMAN plug-in tape support?

Post by tim.rae »


Does our rman plug-in support tape? or copy to tape from repo?

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[MERGED] Re: Oracle RMAN plug-in tape support?

Post by Mildur » 1 person likes this post

Not possible today. But you can do File To Tape Jobs.
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Re: Feature Request : Oracle Enterprise plugin copy to tape

Post by marcio.defreitas »

Hi Mildur,

Can you please explain how Restore from tape would be on this case? I was thinking about this method:

1- Restore the vab files that were sent to tape using "File to tape Job" to a disk;
2- Present this disk as a repo on VBR server;
3- Enable "Restore from Backup Copy" on RMAN plugin and set this new repo as a source;
4- On RMAN, run CATALOG command, to add this new pieces (VAB files) to its catalog;
5- Start restore process on RMAN.

Do you think it will be viable? Or there are something wrong with this procedure?


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Re: Feature Request : Oracle Enterprise plugin copy to tape

Post by Mildur »

I‘m sorry, I don‘t have a environment to confirm your method.
I know, that you can import the van files back to the vbr server, after restoring them from the tape.

https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... ml?ver=110

But after that, i am not sure what to do from inside the rman tool.
Your method looks good, but I cannot test it :)
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[MERGED] RMAN Plugin and Backing up to Tape

Post by MaxDes »

I am backing up an entire folder (the repository folder) for my rman backups, because it seems I cannot select the last full and it's chain option or a backup option at all. Is there a better way to backup rman files? I feel like this limits me and I get data I don't need due to it trying to dump the entire folder to tape.
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Re: Feature Request : Oracle Enterprise plugin copy to tape

Post by HannesK »

please see the answers above... it's an open feature request to support plugins to tape. As for now, you already found the only option (if you want to use tape)

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Re: Feature Request : Oracle Enterprise plugin copy to tape

Post by MaxDes »

Is there any way to copy only specific files? Like a specific timestamp? or date range?
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Re: Feature Request : Oracle Enterprise plugin copy to tape

Post by soncscy »

You would have to use a pre-job script for the file to tape job. I've done this for clients in the past that wanted to archive N number of a Reverse Incremental chain.

The general workflow is:

1. Load the Veeam Powershell Module
2. Get the Backup in question with Get-VBRBackup (should work fr plugins too if you use the full name as it shows in the DB -- run Get-VBRBackup without any parameters and you'll see your plugin backups, or you can filter on the "Type" property)
3. Use the GetAllChildrenStorages() method on the $backup variable to get a list of the storage files.
4. (optional but convenient IMO) Sort the list by CreationTime property -Descending
5. Use the FullPath property of the storage to get a full list of the files to backup; you will need to develop some way to decide what gets moved (I suggest write a quick function to define a date range lower limit and upper limit for step 4 and filter Where-Object {$_.CreationTime -gt $lowerlimit -and $_.CreationTime -lt $upperlimit}
6. Pass all of this as a new File to Tape Object: https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... ml?ver=110
7. Set the new settings by passing the object made in step 6: https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... ml?ver=110

Veeam's behavior looks to truly honor the letter/spirit of "Pre-Job" as the job does not look to load any of its settings until the Pre-job script is done, including any settings about what should be backed up. You could create a static range for Step 4 by using powershell's Date manipulations for example.

I've done similar things for other backups, and it's pretty easy to structure.
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[MERGED] Oracle RMAN Backup and Tape Backup

Post by AirtonRMJ »


We configured tape backup recently and discovered some 'limitations and doubts' about that process.

Our environment consist in a Tape Job  with this configuration:
           Backups: Storage target
           Schedule: 'As new backup files appear'

So when a vCenter VM job occurs the job is started correctly, but when our RMAN finalizes the job (the jog appears in the vbr console but only for view statistics/reports) named tipe 'Oracle RMAN Backup' the Tape Job ignores and does nothing.

what is the best method to drop our Oracle Backup to tapes?
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Re: Feature Request : Oracle Enterprise plugin copy to tape

Post by HannesK »

I merged your question to the existing discussion about that limitation.

As for now, you can use the workaround "file-to-tape" or chose another options on disk media to copy RMAN backups (backup copy job to disk or capacity tier in copy mode with scale-out-repositories)

Best regards,
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