Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Full Name: Michael Pettit

File to Tape for 2000 cifs paths?

Post by MikePettit »


I've got about 2000 .baks on my datadomain that I need to send to tape every month. They come in the form of:


Except they're much longer and annoying. In the past, I've moved these files within the datadomain to 5 different monthly folders, and used a different software to backup those 5 folders onto tape. Worked great, but the DBAs don't like their files moved, go figure. But, I may need to keep doing this.

What would help them out is if I can take the 2000 cifs paths that they provide me and plug them into Veeam in a mass fashion and have it churn through the list. I feel like this wouldn't be too difficult for the software, but all I've been able to find so far is https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... tml?ver=95 and it's not really meeting my needs. It does appear that I can enter in one full path and have it backup that file. But I can't click add 2000 times :cry: . This is so close to the path import function I'm craving.

Anyone have an idea how I might skirt around this? Veeam Engineers...any chance for a feature request here? I'd like to add tons of cifs paths to a file-to-tape job or point the file-to-tape job to a .csv or .txt and call on that to get the paths.


Thank you
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Re: File to Tape for 2000 cifs paths?

Post by tsightler »

If you're willing to entertain using Powershell to update the paths on each run, I'm sure we can do that. I actually already have an example script that does this somewhat, but it would have to be modified at least some for your use case.
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Full Name: Michael Pettit

Re: File to Tape for 2000 cifs paths?

Post by MikePettit »

Powershell would be AMAZING! Absolutely amazing.

Thank you!
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