Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Full Name: Nathan Oldfield

File to tape job - parallel processing

Post by nathano »

I have a file to tape backup job running on a physical server which has 4 x 10TB virtual volumes presented from the 3PAR.

they are mounted to the server as

o:\data1 (currently 2.5TB used)
o:\data2 (8.2TB)
o:\data3 (6TB)
o:\data4 (6TB)

and those 4 folders are what I have selected as the sources for the file to tape job.

I have daily 3par snapshots in place but also need to do periodic backups to tape, so I have a full backup to tape scheduled twice a week. I have just added a second LTO6 drive to the library. Although I have selected the parallel processing option on the media pool it is just using one drive.

So with file to tape backups will I need to split the it in to 2 tape jobs and run them concurrently to get both drives going at the same time? I'm guessing the parallel processing only applies to backups of VM backups?

Can anyone confirm the parallel processing option when dealing with file to tape backups?

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Re: File to tape job - parallel processing

Post by Shestakov »

Hello Nathan,
Parallel processing works for both backup-to-tape and file-to-tape jobs starting from v9.
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Re: File to tape job - parallel processing

Post by nathano »

I had to split it in to 2 file to tape jobs to get both tape drives going.

so job1 backs up

and job 2 backups up

both jobs start at the same time and I get both tape drives running at the same time.

as the one job it would only use 1 tape drive.
Mike Resseler
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Re: File to tape job - parallel processing

Post by Mike Resseler »

Hi Nathan,

Did you look at this: https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... tml?ver=95

There it is explained how you can achieve parallel processing

As you can see with one job parallel processing can only work when you have multiple jobs in your case.

Hope it explains a bit more
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Re: File to tape job - parallel processing

Post by nathano »

Yep, read all that. all those examples are backup to tape based not file to tape. This is a file to tape job.

I'll setup some test jobs with separate media pools for further testing
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Re: File to tape job - parallel processing

Post by Shestakov »

Nathan, in the article provided by Mike out of 2 provided cases only the 1st related to file to tape, so yes, you need to create another file to tape job to achieve the parallel processing.
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