Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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File to Tape synthetic backup question

Post by mike979 »

I am brand new to Veeam and have done a bunch of reading and wanted to see if I am going about this the right way.

I have a few NASs that have SMB shares where I'd like to backup their contents to tape. File to tape jobs seem the be the way to go.

The data is rarely deleted, and data does get added each week. Not a huge amount, but enough that I'd probably want to do weekly or bi-weekly incrementals. I don't have any need to go back to a restore point from months or years ago so I am thinking of just using one set of tapes for each NAS.

What I don't want is to have a ton of incremental which would make restoring it a pain. So I am guessing correctly that the synthetic full would be the way to manage that? And if so, how would I make the backup so that I would remove the previous full/synthetic full so that I can use a single set of minimal tapes.
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Re: File to Tape synthetic backup question

Post by HannesK »

and welcome to the forums.

Yes, file-to-tape is the way to go. Virtual synthetic full exists for machine backups with forever forward incremental. It's irrelevant for file to tape.

A file-to-tape job that runs daily with a full maybe on Saturday and incremental backups during the week, sounds like what is closet to what you ask.

Best regards,
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