Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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GFS backuo job does not pick up VBK file

Post by Sarek70 »

I make a incremental backup from Monday to Friday. On Saturday i create a synthetic full from those backups to a new full backup (vbk) and put the incrermentals to reversed incrementals. This all is done on a disk repository. In my GFS shedule i have Sunday as backup day (still can't understand why Veeam does not give me the flexibility to shedule it on a other time then 00:00 but that is a oher matter, although it is really a letdown by the product). Some synthectic full jobs are done before midnight and some are not.

Now the problem (and this was also a problem in 8.0). The GFS should scan for new vbk files which has not been sent to tape, in my case 2 of the 4 are done before midnight and should be picked up at the start, the other 2 will finish the synthetic full around 3 / 4 on Sunday morning, so they should be pickup at the next cycle shich is at 00:00 Monday. But it doesn't i have to start the GFS tape jobs manually on Monday.

What can be done to make GFS work (this problem was there also in version 8.0 and should be solved by now) cause this way is not the way to go

Then some recommendation for future version:

* Let customers shedule GFS and not give GFS the start time of 00:00 of the day you want to do a GFS backup this makes really no sence, the program waists 21 hours cause the synthectic is not done at 00:00 but at 03:00. Let me give a time when to start and the backups can be done in the weekend instead of staring on Monday at 00:00

* Let customers shedule a other time to start with synthetic full backup, it makes no sence if i make the last incremental on Friday evening on 21:00 the synthetic should start at Saturday at 21:00, let me shedule it on Saturday afternoon on 13:00 then all the synthetics are done on Saturday and done for Sunday when the GFS starts.
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Re: GFS backuo job does not pick up VBK file

Post by Sarek70 »

The version we use is veeam backup and replication 9.5 1038
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Re: GFS backuo job does not pick up VBK file

Post by lyapkost »


So you are using backup to tape job to GFS media pool. (By the way, there was no such feature in VBR 8.0. Maybe v. 9.0 was meant.)
Sarek70 wrote:in my case 2 of the 4 are done before midnight and should be picked up at the start
GFS tape job works differently than you've described, it starts searching in previous days' backups only at 00:00 the next day and only if there were no files to copy to tape on the scheduled day (Sunday in your case). See user guide. To make the job work the way you want you should reschedule it to Saturday so it will process synthetic full backup right after it is created. Also notice that there's no necessity to create full backup on disk as it can be synthesized on tapes directly.
Sarek70 wrote:Then some recommendation for future version
The next major product release will give more flexibility in setting up GFS tape jobs.
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