Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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GFS candidates were not found and I don't know why

Post by chrisflyckelen »

Hey guys,

I just created a brand new backup to tape job and added all backup jobs to it to copy all jobs.
The job is working fine, but for some source jobs the log put the messages "No GFS candidate for Daily media set was found for today, waiting" or "No backup files found".
This happens, although the source backup job sessions have finished successfully during the last weeks.

However, there have some technical issues with the tape library occurred. To verify the function I started a "Weekly full" manually. Could this be the reason for that behaviour?
I found this in the helpcenter trying to understand what's happening.
No restore point will be archived to the Daily media set when the daily backup overlaps elder media sets dates, and only one source restore point is available.
Any advice anyone?

Kind regards,
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Re: GFS candidates were not found and I don't know why

Post by Mildur »

Hi Chris

The daily media set is waiting for a restore point on the disk (from the same day). If there is none, the job waits till one gets created.
Make sure that your source job runs before the tape job on the given day.
You may also use the following option to just write the most recent restore point to tape:

"Process the most recent restore point instead of waiting"

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Re: GFS candidates were not found and I don't know why

Post by chrisflyckelen »

Hi Fabian,

thanks for responding.

I have a question after I've read your post.

What does "from the same day" mean exactly? Are restore points created after midnight taken into account, if the job is configured to run after all backups have finished?

Thank you,
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Re: GFS candidates were not found and I don't know why

Post by Mildur »

Yes, they should. Do you see something else?
The start time of the tape job is specified by the "Perform GFS scan daily at" option in the tape job. The job will check if the source job has created a new restore point on that day. If so, this restore points will be written to tape.

Make sure that the daily scan for GFS restore points is scheduled after the source job has created new restore points.
--> https://helpcenter.veeam.com/docs/backu ... ml?ver=120

Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
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