Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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GFS Full Backup Chain / Custom GFS

Post by L0g333 »


i am currently implementing Tape Backup at a customers site. Currently we have a monthly Active Full backup (First Saturday each month) and daily incremental. Desired is to keep 3 months of Restore Points on disk. Since VEEAM does not consolidate, but delete the whole backup chain when the last Backup of it is not needed anymore, we always have between 3 and 4 months of backups on our disks (keeping 100 restore points). So far nothing special.

.VBKs currently have around 200GB and .VIBs between 3 and 5 GB. Our Repository is around 1.5 TB.

Now we want to Copy the Backups to Tape with a GFS schema. Since our Backups arent that big and the whole 3-4 months we keep fit on a single LTO6 tape my customer wants to backup the whole backup chain to tape and archive one tape every quarter, so that he will be able to restore every single day in the past.

From Monday to Thursday we will do a daily backup (Tapes D00001 to D00004). So far thats no Problem since GFS does not support daily backup we have a own Job for the daily backups.

On Fridaynight we want do the Weekly Backup (W00001 - W00004) (whole Backup Chain again). BUT the last Friday of the month is supposed to run the monthly backup in case its not the last friday of the quarter which shall run the quarterly backup to tape (Everytime the whole Backupchain should be copied). And here is the problem:

Backup To GFS Media Pools will only create a synthetic full from the most recent restore point and copy this to tape and i did't find a way to copy the whole backup chain. So i need to configure my own GFS Backup schema. How would i do this best? I could just configure one job which runs monday to friday and put all the tapes into one single media pool. But then i cannot configure any retention policies for the archive tapes. This is why i would like to split the tapes into 4 media pools (day, week, month, quarter). But then i have the problem of up to 3 concurrent tasks on the last friday of the quarter with two jobs failing because of a missing tape.

So... does anybody have an idea to solve this problem? Maybe i am just not seeing the easy answer. I don't think that this supposed backup schema is too special.

Copieng the whole Chain to tape takes us currently around 5 hours so that it will be finished in the morning with ease.

Thank you in advance for reading and your help :)
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