Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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GFS Help - So close, but yet so far.

Post by davidburke84 »

I'm trying to add Weekly backups to tape every Sunday, but not sure what will happen when my current jobs for monthlys, quartlerly, and yearly try to run at that same time.

Our weekly backup requirements state that we want a weekly full backup to tape that runs every Sunday. - I can do this with GFS.
Our Monthly backup requirements state that our last Sunday backup should be saved to tape for Months Jan, March, April, June, July, October, and December. - I can do this with GFS.
Our Quarterly backup requirements state that our last Sunday backups should be saved to tape for Months Feb, May, August, Nov. - I can't say last Sunday of the month here, only "of each quarter" What does Veeam mark their quarters?
Our Yearly backup requirements state that our last Sunday backup should be saved to tape for the month of September. I can't mark Last Sunday of September only year. What's Veeam's year end? December 31 or July 31? We are July 31.

Can we request for more granular control on what months. Right now I'm doing backups with none GFS libraries and it's working fine. I just don't know what's going to happen when I add a weekly and I hit that last Sunday of the month. Will I get two backup jobs or will Veeam be smart enough to say it's already written to tape.

Should I schedule my Weekly Sunday to start 30 minutes after the normal monthly backup time? I've got plenty of tapes, but what's the point of putting more mileage on the system than I need. Plus this cuts into my maintenace Window for other activities, should I need one.

I do not want to create a script to disable the Sunday job once a week as I've seen recommended before. This is janky in my opinion and Veeam is better than that.
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Re: GFS Help - So close, but yet so far.

Post by veremin »

I'm trying to add Weekly backups to tape every Sunday, but not sure what will happen when my current jobs for monthlys, quartlerly, and yearly try to run at that same time.
In case of GFS job only one restore point will be created, it will be marked as weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly restore point and will be preserved for the duration of the longest retention policy.
Our Monthly backup requirements state that our last Sunday backup should be saved to tape for Months Jan, March, April, June, July, October, and December. - I can do this with GFS.
Our Quarterly backup requirements state that our last Sunday backups should be saved to tape for Months Feb, May, August, Nov. - I can't say last Sunday of the month here, only "of each quarter" What does Veeam mark their quarters?
Quarter means three month period. We start counting months from January.
Our Yearly backup requirements state that our last Sunday backup should be saved to tape for the month of September. I can't mark Last Sunday of September only year. What's Veeam's year end? December 31 or July 31? We are July 31.
December, 31st.
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Re: GFS Help - So close, but yet so far.

Post by davidburke84 »

Can I put in a feature request for this?

Feature Request: GFS Libraries Granular Start Times

Allow for quarterly to run last day of month. ie: Run quarterly backup Feb, May, August, Nov, on last Sunday of month.
Run Yearly backup on last day of month. ie: Run Yearly backup September on last Sunday of month.

Some of us don't go on calendar year of December 31. We actually take our yearly snapshot in September once all financials are reported.
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Re: GFS Help - So close, but yet so far.

Post by veremin »

Ok, your feature request has been noted. Thank you for the feedback; appreciated.
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