Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Full Name: Freddy Neuhaus

GFS Job doesnt see source Backupfile

Post by FreddyN »

I have opened support case #04295599 on Thursday, unfortunately I have more new questions than answers since then.
we have several gfs tapejobs which do not 'recognize' any backup files -> some of them directly 'No backup files found' others first 'no gfs candiate for weekly media set was found for today, waiting' and after 3-20 hours wait 'No backup files found' (this can also vary within the same tapejob)
Veeam support suspects a bug when BackupCopy is used as source (although BackupJob also has the same behaviour when using BackupCopy as source), sent a DLL which was swapped, but the behaviour remains the same.

Here is an example:
Source(BackupJob, runs once per week)
Start 11.7. 8.00, End: 13.7. 7:34
Start: 18.7. 8:00 20.7. 8:46
Start: 25.7. 8:00 27.7. 12:30(incl. Merge)

Tape(runs once per week):
Start 28.7. 00:00:08 End(didnt finish yet)

from the Log:
28.7. 00:00:15 Analyzing syn candidates for 28.07.2020 00:00:00 to Weekly mediaset
Skipping virtual full creation because no backup files were created in repositiroy for this day and option
No candidates was found. Details: Skipping virtual full creation.....

Analyzing syn candidates for 21.07.2020 00:00:00 to weekly mediaset
Last backed up full tape storage creation time: 14.07.2020 00:00:00, backupId:.......
Skip storage because it's creation time less than '21.07.2020 20:58:33' servername-2020-07-11.vbk
Skip storage because it's creation time less than '21.07.2020 20:58:33' servername-2020-07-18.vbk
No candidates was found. Details Tape backup was not created for 21.07.2020: there are no new restorepoints between 15.07.2020 and 21.07.2020

On this point I'm getting stuck:
1) nowhere in the logs can I find anything about backup file from 25.7.
2) backup file 2020-07-18 gets skipped and the log says no new restorepoints between 15.07.2020 and 21.07.2020 :? :?

I hope somebody out there can explain this to me:
Veeam Software
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Re: GFS Job doesnt see source Backupfile

Post by PetrM »

Hi Freddy,

Let's wait for results of debug logs analysis, I believe our support team will be able to explain the behavior, in particular why the fix didn't help in your case.

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