Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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GFS tape jobs: case id : 02089203

Post by jumarcil »

Hi ;
case id : 02089203

I am new to this forum but have been using veeam VBR for quite a while; we have just made the move from Backup exec to veeam for all our backup needs.

So far everything works great except for one thing; I cant backup my whole backup repository on a tape with a GFS schedule. I have opened a ticket this week and the guy showed me how it is supposed to work but it doesnt or I dont understand.

See I backup critical machines on a forever incremental with 7 restore point everyday. Les critical on weekly basis 2 restore point, and archived machines once a month. I have enough space and tape space to backup the whole repository on tape everyday so I always have on tape and on disk all my vm + restore points ;

*** the only thing I want to do is schedule a weekly backup to tape of my whole repository on a GFS schedule.

It seems impossible; I have 27 vm and last night job took 1 vm only and converted the incremental + vbk in a synthetic backup and wrote it to tape . My other 26 vm have never been written to tape and the job was idle. Isnt it possible to create a job (file to tape backup as opposed to a backup to tape ) according to a gfs schedule.

any help would be greatly appreciated.

ps: coming from BE I would just scheduled an hebdo job with a 35 days retention that would run every week-end and my motnly once every 5 weeks.

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