Discussions related to exporting backups to tape and backing up directly to tape.
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Full Name: Renato Richina

GFS weekly full - which day is right if scan time is 00:00?

Post by renatorichina »


I am confused about something: on Friday afternoon, we always exchange all our tapes in the library and add new ones. The plan is, that the first tape backup done after this change of tapes is a full backup on WEEKLY media set (or monthly/yearly) and not a virtual full on daily media set . To prevent, that I a have second full backup every week (done to the daily media set - if no weekly full tape is in library after the exchange of the tapes).

So the "Start daily scan for GFS restore points" is set at the default of 00:00 for all tape jobs

Do I have to set now Friday or Saturday in the Schedule for weekly/monthly/yearly tape jobs, so that full backups to the weekly/monthly/yearly media tapes are done at midnight from friday to saturday?
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Re: GFS weekly full - which day is right if scan time is 00:00?

Post by Mildur »

Hello Renato

If you want to have your weekly full on Saturday at 00:00, you need to set the GFS weekly to Saturday.
Make sure that the source job has created a full backup before the daily scan starts for the GFS restore point starts. If the last backup from the source job was an incremental backup, a virtual full backup will be created.

I recommend to schedule this full Friday evening and set the daily rescan to the time when the source job has finished its processing. Example:
--> Source job creates every Friday a full backup from 10pm till 2am.
--> Set the daily GFS rescan for Tapes to 3am. The tape will write the full backup from Friday evening to tape at 3am.

Product Management Analyst @ Veeam Software
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